Thomas Edison Biography, Light Bulb, Inventions, Net Worth, Quotes & More

Thomas Edison Introduction

Thomas Edison Biography - Bio Rise

Thomas Edison Full Name Thomas Alva Edison, was an American Inventor and Businessman. He Has Been Considered As One Of The Greatest Scientist In History. Mainly Invention Of Light Bulb But He also Developed Many Other Great Inventions. Thomas Edison Was Born On 11 February, 1847 At Ohio, United States. 

Thomas Edison Biography

During Childhood, Edison Was Considered A Fool Person, No One Liked Him Because Of His Behavior. He Even Did Not Study In School, He Used To Spend His By Deep Thinking In Class. Thus He Got Restigated From School. After That His Mother Started To Teach Him In Home But Even He Didn't Show His Interest In Studies. Once, Edison Saw A Bird Eating Insects So He Thought If Bird Can Fly By Eating Insects Then Humans Can Fly Too. So He Started To Collect Insects, Made A Juice Of It and Made His Friend To Drink. His Friend Got Sick, Due To These Kind Of Some Reasons People Didn't Like Him. At The Age Of 12, Edison Used To Sell Newspapers and Vegetables. Whatever Money He Gets, He Used To Spend On His Experiments. 

Thomas Edison Invent Light Bulb 

At The Age Of 15, He Opened A Laboratory In His Home For Experiments. He Started To Research On Energy and Electricity. He Only Studied In School For Just 3 Months. After Working Hours and Hours In A Day. He Failed Hundreds Of Times While Making Bulb But At The End He Finally Made A Revolutionary Invention "The Light Bulb". This Was The First Time When Electric Energy Was Changed Into Light Energy. Thomas Edison Also Invented Many Other Many Things. 

Thomas Edison Inventions

Some Great Inventions Of Thomas Edison :

  • Light Bulb 
  • Phonograph 
  • Kintoscope
  • Electric Pen
  • Phono Motor
  • Mimeograph
  • Vitascope
  • Movie Camera 
  • Carbon Microphone 
  • Kintophone

Thomas Edison Net Worth 

Thomas Edison Net Worth Was $12 Million at The Time Of His Death. That's equal to the Modern Equivalent of $170 million After Adjusting for Inflation. 

Source: Celebrity Net Worth 

Thomas Edison Death 

Thomas Edison Died On 18 October, 1931. Due To Complications Of Diabetes at New Jersey, United States. 

Questions And Answers

1. Who has the most patents ever?

A: Thomas Edison. He Held Total Of 1,093 U.S Patents. 

2. Who Invented Electricity Edison or Tesla?

A: Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison Were Two Scientists and Inventors who were Key Players in The Road to Electricity use.

For More Information We Suggest You To Read Nikola Tesla Biography. 

3. How Many Times Did Thomas Edison Fail? 

A:When a reporter asked From Edison, "How did It Feel To Fail 1,000 times?" Edison replied, "I Didn't Fail 1,000 times. The light bulb Was An Invention With 1,000 steps." "Great success is Built On Failure , Frustration , even Catastrophy. 

Thomas Edison Quotes
  • Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.
  • I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.
  • Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.
  • Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.
  • Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
  • If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves.
  • There is no substitute for hard work.
  • To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.
  • Show me a thoroughly satisfied man and I will show you a failure.
  • There's a way to do it better - find it

                End Note

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