Larry Page Biography, Sergey Brin, Google, Net Worth & More

Larry Page Introduction

Larry Page Pic - Bio Rise

Larry Page Full Name Lawrence Edward Page Is An American Computer Scientist and Internet Entrepreneur. He Founded Google In 1998, Along With Sergey Brin. Google's Current CEO Is Sundar Pichai. Larry Page was Born On 26 March, 1973 In Michigan, USA. 

Larry Page Biography 

Larry Page Father Name Was Carl Victor Page and Mother Name Gloria Page. They Both Were Professors In Their State University. Larry Was Very Passionate About Computers In His Childhood. He Often Disassemble Things To Know How These Things Work. Larry Studied In Montessori Radmoor School. In 1989, He Completed His Graduation From East Lansing High School. After That Larry Page Completed His Post Graduation From Stanford University.

Foundation Of Google 

Google Logo - Bio Rise

 While Pursuing His PhD In Stanford and There, He Met With Sergey Brin. They Both Chose (World Wide Web) as Their Research Topic In PhD. They Started To Search For A Algorithm Where All Site Can Be Linked and Ranked By Their Popularity. They Researched This Topic Nearly 4 Years and Eventually In September, 1996, They Succeed To Find This Algorithm Google. After That Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Borrowed $1 Million and Launched Google Inc In 1998. In 14 November, 2006, Google Bought Today's World's Biggest Video Platform YouTube. In 30 April, 2009, Google Launched His First Operating System Android. Today Google Is World's One Of The Most Biggest Company With The Market Cap Of Over $1 Trillion. 

Google Subsidiaries 

Some Of The Popular Google Subsidiaries are:

  • YouTube 
  • Android 
  • Firebase
  • Dialogflow
  • Google TV
  • Google Adsense 
  • Google Admob
  • FeedBurner
  • Kaggle
  • Waymo
  • Google Mind
  • Nik Software 
  • Google AI
  • App Sheet
  • Google Creative Lab
  • Titan Aerospace 
  • Google LLC 
  • Google Brand Studio

Larry Page Net Worth 

Larry Page Net Worth Is $76.7 Billion USD. He is One Of the Richest Person In the World. 

Questions And Answers 

1. What is the salary of CEO of Google per month?

A: The CEO Of Google and Alphabet Sundar Pichai Annual Income Is $2 Million. 

2. Who Is The Highest Paid CEO Of The World? 

A: Elon Musk Is The Highest Paid CEO In The World. While Tim Cook Is Second. 

3. How Google Makes Money? 

A: The Primary Way Of Google To Generates Its Revenue Is By Advertising Through Its Two Main Services, Ads and Adsense. 

 Larry Page Quotes
  • If your access to health care involves your leaving work and driving somewhere and parking and waiting for a long time, that's not going to promote healthiness.
  • If you're changing the world, you're working on important things. You're excited to get up in the morning.
  • You never lose a dream. It just incubates as a hobby.
  • Its Very Hard To Fail Completely, If You Have Aim High Enough. 

                End Note

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