Warren Buffett Biography, Quotes,Net Worth,Stocks & More


Warren Buffett - Bio Rise

Warren Buffett Introduction

Warren Buffet Is an American Investor, Business Magnate, Philanthropist and Chairman as Well as Ceo Of Berkshire Hathaway. Warren Edward Buffett Was Born In 30 August, 1930 at Omaha, United States. 

Warren Buffett Biography

Warren's Father Was Stock Broker. In 1929, Due To Great Depression He lost His Job. Apart From Other Children, Buffett Enjoy To Read Books and Doing Small Business. At The Of Age 7, Warren Read a Book Named "One Thousand Ways To Make 1000 Dollars". The One Idea From That Book Was Of A Pinball Machine Business. Warren Started To Execute That Idea. Warren With His Friend Bought A Pinball Machine. They Placed That Machine To A Barber Shop. So The Waiting Persons Can Pass Their Time By Playing With This Machine. Whatever Profit They Got, They Reinvested That Money To Buy More Machines, and Placed That Machine To Several Barber Shops. After Establishing A Business, Warren Sold That Business In $1200 at Such A Young Age. Warren Did Many Different Kind Of Businesses, Like Selling Newspapers, Selling Coca-Cola Door To Door, Selling Magazines etc. Even Though, Warren's Family Financial Conditions Was Good But Warren Buffett Enjoy To Do Different Kind Of Businesses. At The Of 14, He Bought 40 Acres Land Just By His Own Savings. During College He Managed To Save $9800. For Post Graduation, Warren Applied For Harvard University But He Rejected. After That Warren Joined Columbia University, Where Benjamin Graham Was A Professor, Benjamin Made a 'Value Investing' Philosophy. Warren Learning That Value Investing Strategy From Benjamin. Benjamin Offered Job To Warren, Where Warren Worked as Security Analysts and By Working With Professor Benjamin, He Improved His Investing Skills. In 1956, When Benjamin Retired, Benjamin Closed His Partnership Firms. After That Warren Came Back To His Home Town Omaha. Warren Started His Own Partnership Firms, Warren Followed Benjamin Strategies and Earned Alot Of Profit, Became Millionaire. In 1962, Warren First Time Bought Shares Of Berkshire Hathaway. At That Time Berkshire Hathaway Was A Big Textile Business. Berkshire Hathaway Wasn't Performing Good At That Time. Warren Gradually Acquired The Company and In 1969, He Closed His Partnership Firms and Became Chairman Of Berkshire Hathaway. Warren Didn't Saw Growth In Berkshire Textile Business and Then He Started Buying Shares Of Other Companies By Berkshire, Like Washington post, Coca- Cola etc. Warren Buffett Made Berkshire Hathaway A Successful Company By His Hardwork and Intelligence. Today's Berkshire Hathaway Owns More Than 60 Companies. 

Warren Buffett Net Worth

Warren Buffett Has Estimated Net Worth Of $78.9 Billion (August 2020). Which Makes Him World's Seventh Richest Person. Warren Buffett Has Donated More Than $46 Billion. 

Warren Buffett House

Warren Buffett Lives in His Old House Which He Bought For $31,500 In 1958. Which Has Todays Worth Of $276,000.

Warren Buffett Stocks

Warren Buffett Has Invested His 78% Wealth In These Stocks:

1. Apple 
2. Coca - Cola
3. American Express
4. Kraft Heinz
5. Bank Of America 

 Warren Buffett Quotes
  • We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful.
  • Price is what you pay. Value is what you get.
  • Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.
  • Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing.
  • It's only when the tide goes out that you discover who's been swimming naked.
  • Beware of geeks bearing formulas.
  • I always knew I was going to be rich. I don't think I ever doubted it for a minute.
  • Our favorite holding period is forever.
  • After all, you only find out who is swimming naked when the tide goes out.
  • Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken.
                End Note
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