Stephen Hawking Biography, Movies, Books and More

 Stephen Hawking - Bio Rise

Stephen Hawking Introduction 

Stephen Hawking Was Theoretical Physicist,Cosmologist And Was the Director Of University of Cambridge At The Time his Death.Stephen Hawking Is Known For His Contribution In Black Holes And Relativity. Stephen was Born on 1942, 8 January In United Kingdom.

Stephen Hawking Biography 

During the Birth Of Stephen Hawking There Was World War 2 Going On. Stephen Family Were Used To Live In Highgate City Of London. Then They Migrated To The Oxford City Of England Where Stephen Hawking Born. Since Childhood Stephen Hawking Was Very Intelligent, People Used To Call Stephen Hawking Einstein, Stephen's Father Was A Doctor And Mother Was A Housewife. Stephen Hawking Was Very Passionate About Technology He Even Made A Computer By Himself With Some Electronic Parts. At The Age Of 17, Stephen Took The Admission In Oxford University. Once Stephen Came To His House To Spend Holidays, At the Staircase Stephen Hawking Fell Down And Fainted. Everybody Considered It as Weakness And Ignored. But After Again Some Incidents When Stephen Consult To Doctors And Stephen Hawking Diagnosed For Motor Neuron Disease. Doctor Said To Stephen That He Can Only Live 2 Years Because After 2 Years His Entire Body Will Paralyze. But Stephen Hawking Didn't Give up. From Here Stephen Hawking Started His Journey Of Becoming Scientist. But Gradually His Body Started To Paralyze. Due To This, Stephen Had To Use Wheelchair Which Is Attached With Computer. Stephen Used To Speak By Computer With The Help Of Cheek Muscle. The Positive Thing Of This Disease Was This Disease Was Only Affecting Stephen's Physical Body Not Mentally. After That Stephen Showed The Concept Of Black Holes And Hawking Radiations To The World. 

Stephen Hawking Movies

    ●Theory Of Everything
    ●Into The Universe With Stephen Hawking
    ●Genius By Stephen Hawking

And More.

Stephen Hawking Books

    ●A Brief History of Time
    ●Brief Answer To Big Question 
    ●The Grand Design
    ●Theory Of Everything

And Many More. 

Stephen Hawking IQ

Stephen Hawking IQ Score Considered 160 Which Makes Him Genius. 

Stephen Hawking Family 

Former Wife : Jane Hawking 

Former Wife : Elaine Hawking 

Son : Timothy Hawking And Robert Hawking 

Daughter : Lucy Hawking

Questions And Answers 

1. What Stephen Hawking Discovered? 

A: Stephen Hawking Is Famous For His Contribution In Black Holes. 

2. What Were Stephen Hawking Views On AI? 

A: Stephen Said "The Development Of Full Artificial Intelligence Could Spell The End Of Human Race".

3. How Did Stephen Hawking Lived So Long? 

A: Some Medical Expert Gave Theory That Stephen Hawking Probably Lived So Long Because He Developed The Disease So Early In His Life. 

Stephen Hawking Quotes                  Tap Me
  1. Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.
  2. Life would be tragic if it weren't funny.
  3. I have no idea. People who boast about their IQ are losers.
  4. Science is not only a disciple of reason but, also, one of romance and passion.
  5. Women. They are a complete mystery.
  6. We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special.
  7. It matters if you just don't give up.
  8. We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want to meet.
  9. People won't have time for you if you are always angry or complaining.
  10. My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all.

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